Joe Biden Admits to Battle with Addiction…

Berichten: 76
Lid geworden op: 21 jun 2021 16:39

Joe Biden Admits to Battle with Addiction…

Bericht door Tristan » ... addiction/

Joe Biden admitted to a battle with addiction in newly released text messages to his son Hunter, the Daily Mail revealed.

Five members of the Biden clan have spent time in rehab for drug and alcohol abuse.

-Hunter Biden has struggled with alcohol and crack addictions
‑Hallie, Beau’s widow (and Hunter’s girlfriend) struggled with a crack problem
‑Joe’s daughter Ashley has struggled with alcohol and had to seek treatment
‑Joe’s slimy brother Frank has battled alcohol addiction and was ordered by a judge to go to rehab after a drunk driving offense in 2004
‑Joe’s niece Caroline Biden was also ordered to rehab after a DUI

Joe Biden messaged Hunter in 2018 comforting (enabling) him while he was in California spending a Father’s Day in rehab away from the family.

Other text messages retrieved from Hunter’s laptop reveal Joe Biden paid for a portion of Hallie’s rehab which cost more than $100,000.

Although Joe Biden does not currently drink alcohol, the text messages further confirm his family to be highly dysfunctional and gripped by anger, rage and addiction.

The Daily Mail reported:

Five members of Joe Biden’s close family have been to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse, can reveal.

The president’s brother Frank, children Hunter and Ashley, his niece Caroline and his late son’s widow who also became Hunter’s lover, Hallie, have all suffered from addiction issues and had spells in treatment centers – some at the orders of a judge.
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Gettr: @tnuh87
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