Black Lives Matter is blamed for 32% spike in murders of African-Americans in wake of George Floyd's killing

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Black Lives Matter is blamed for 32% spike in murders of African-Americans in wake of George Floyd's killing

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Black Lives Matter is blamed for 32% spike in murders of African-Americans in wake of George Floyd's killing as experts claim protests scared-off cops and worsened crime spiral
The murder rate for African Americans jumped 32 percent after the beginning of the pandemic
The murder rate for whites increased 21 percent from 2019 to 2020
2,457 more blacks died at the hand of another in 2020 than the year before
Over the decade between 2010 and 2019 43 percent more blacks were killed, roughly a 1000 more than whites each year
Criminal justice experts blame criminal justice reform and the Black Lives Matter movement
Some academic and police say that the increase in gun purchases and economic inequality bear some responsibility

PUBLISHED: 18:14 BST, 19 April 2022

The number of black Americans murdered in 2020 jumped by 32 percent - with an expert blaming BLM protests for the huge spike by scaring-off cops.

Killings across racial demographic have swelled by 30 percent between 2019 and 2020, the largest increase since 1905, but blacks have borne the larger impact of that deadly trend, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime report.

In 2020, 9,941 African Americans met their death at the hand of another human being, compared to 7,484 the year before, an increase of 2,457 murders.

Murders of whites jumped 21 percent from 2019 to 2020, from 5,787 to 7,043.

And Hannah Meyer, from think-tank the Manhattan Institute, says widespread 'defund the police messaging' further worsened the murder rate among black people.

She believes that the widespread ideology - combined with real cuts to multiple police departments - prompted cops to withdraw from policing areas with high crime, where lives could have potentially been saved.

Meyer also said that the COVID pandemic could not be blamed for the spike, and attributed it directly to the crime wave that followed in the wake of Floyd's death.
This trend has been consistent over the years. In the 10-year period between 2010 and 2019, there were 5,954 whites killed each year on average, 16 percent fewer than the number of black victims.

There were an average of 6,927 black Americans were killed each year during that decade, roughly a thousand more blacks each year. In total, about 43 percent more blacks were killed than whites over that 10-year time span.Hannah Meyer, the director of policing and public safety at the conservative Manhattan Institute, who worked in the NYPD's Intelligence Bureau for five years, believes that the bloody trend was spurred on by the Black Lives Matter protests that began after the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 and Freddy Grey in Baltimore, Maryland at the hands of police.

But the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota by Officer Derek Chauvin, accelerated the problem, she said.

'Certainly, the protests and riots mid-2020 followed a pattern of spiking violence that we've seen following past viral police incidents, such as the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray,' Meyer told Fox News. 'This pattern has been termed the 'Ferguson Effect': police pull back while violent crime spikes precipitously.'

The term 'Ferguson Effect' was coined by St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson and has come to refer to law enforcement taking a less aggressive approach to policing, especially in minority communities after police-involved fatalities. Meyer also blamed criminal justice reforms, like the kind that have taken place in New York, Pennsylvania and California for the increase in violent deaths.

'In NY, statewide changes to the bail laws that went into effect in 2020 prevented judges from holding a huge range of defendants in jail pre-trial and effectively prevented judges from considering dangerousness in the decision to set bail. The rate of felony among defendants out of jail pre-trial who prior to 'bail reform' has been estimated at 43 percent. That is a significant number,' she told Fox News.

Meyer's Manhattan Institute colleague, Heather MacDonald, believes that the authority of the law has been undermined by the revelations of excessive force.

'George Floyd's death at the hands of Minneapolis police in late May was justly condemned,' MacDonald told Fox. 'But the event has now spurred an outpouring of contempt against the pillars of law and order that has no precedent in American history.'

Are alternative theories circulating around think tanks and in criminal justice research circles pins the blame for the increased violence on the pandemic and the economic imbalance in the US and the increase in gun sales.

'I'm not surprised at all that we had an increase in crime,' Georgia State University criminology professor Volkan Topalli told Politico last year. 'Criminologists and public health people were saying that that was going to be the case as soon as they heard about the pandemic.'

A University of California survey found that 110,000 state residents purchased guns in 2020, 95,000 more than the year before.

'These are particularly high-stress times,' Professor Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, who lead the gun study, said. 'When you add a firearm into those situations it adds particularly fatal risk.'
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